"You must make a CHOICE to take a CHANCE or your life will never CHANGE."

Do you have a CHANCE to make a CHOICE for a CHANGE in 2017? Well�K..Come and join a group of business executives and leaders on 9 Dec evening, Dr. Happy (Dr. Harry WONG) and his Masterminds are going to share all resources available for you!


The Magic of 3Cs with NLP
(9 Dec 2016)
A better & happier 2017



Event details:
Date: 9 Dec 2016 (Fri)
Time: 6:30pm - 9:00pm (included Cocktail Reception)
Venue: 15/F Hong Kong Club Building, 3A Chater Road, Central (Map)
Admission: $380 / pax

Dr. Harry WONG, FCPA, ABNLP Certified NLP Master Trainer (Asia 1st)

and his Masterminds

Contents: Changes 1 Acceptance re change as a constant and never predictable; expect the unexpected with a positive mindset
2 How better to embrace changes to our advantage (vs. resisting it)
3 Via changes, we become better, stronger and bullet-proof with great resilience (�^�u�O)
Chances 1 Be able to identify chances and leverage on them
2 Chances belong to those who are ready for them (so always �˳Ʀۤv and be proactive)
3 Build strong network/rapport and show great presence so people will think of you when it comes to having opportunities
Choices 1 Focus on what you want (i.e. filters and value)
2 Everyone makes the best choices available to them when they make them; so how do you know what is "best" for you is key
3 Believe the fact that you always have choices to react and respond to the environment you are in, people you are with and the time of your life being for who you are

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