Huawei HCCDP-Cloud Migration

Duration: 3 Days
Training Fee: HK$9,000
Private in-house training
Apart from public, instructor-led classes, we also offer private in-house trainings for organizations based on their needs. Call us at +852 2116 3328 or email us at [email protected] for more details.
Course Outline

Chapter 1: Migration Policy and Process

Chapter 2: Migration Requirement Survey

Chapter 3: Migration Solution Design

Chapter 4.1: Migration Implementation, Verification, and Handover

Chapter 4.2: Case Studies

Chapter 5: Core Services of Huawei Cloud

Chapter 6: Using and Migrating Compute Services

Chapter 7: Using and Migrating Storage Services

Chapter 8: Using and Migrating Database Services

Chapter 9: Using and Migrating Caches and Queues

Chapter 10: Using and Migrating Container Services

Chapter 11: Container Migration Based on Velero’s Backup and Restore Capabilities

Chapter 12: Migrating On-Premises MySQL Databases

Chapter 13: Using SMS to Migrate Servers

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